Il Visciolo

Holiday Rental Il Visciolo - 2BR self catering cottage, Internet WiFi, walk to shops, car not required.

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questo spazio è a tua disposizione, contattaci per informazioni.

From Perugia airport to San Casciano in Val di Pesa: trains, bus or car options.

San Francesco d'Assisi airport in Perugia has currently got cheap connections to London Stansted, Dusseldorf Weeze, Bruxelles Charleroi, Barcellona Girona operated by Ryanair and Bucarest by operator Wizz Air.

By car

Getting a car is the easiest and fastest way to reach Perugia, in normal traffic conditions it takes less than two hours by Autostrada A1 (toll highway), about 15 minutes more if you pass by Raccordo Autostradale RA03 Firenze–Siena. There are five car rental agencies inside the airport.

By coach

You have those options. Option A is the best.

  1. Perugia–Poggibonsi with Baltur (1h and half), then get a (40 minutes).
  2. same line by Baltur, but get down in Perugia–Florence (2 hours, arrival inside SITA terminal), then SITA to San Casciano (35-40 minutes).
  3. coach line by Saps connecting Perugia (the stop is not very close to railway station) to Firenze SMN, walk to Autostazione SITA and get on bus.

By train

Trenitalia regional trains connect Perugia to Firenze SMN, often with change in Terontola-Cortona. The trip takes approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes, ticket price starting from €13.75. From Firenze SMN get a .

This page was last updated on Thursday 04 August 2022.